The file menu
The edit menu
The insert-menu
The help menu

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Introduction / The menu / The insert-menu

The insert-menu

The insert-menu lets you insert different objects in your CD-Covers.


By clicking on this menuitem you can open an image which will be the background of the "active" cover. The image can have these three file formats: A background can be deleted by clicking the righ-mouse button (for left-hander the left mouse-button)(see also: The popupmenus) and choose the option "delete", but also by pressing the delete-key when no element is selected. An element is selected when a moving bracket surrounds it, not the magenta-color.

Background color

Here you can select the background color of the active Cover. By default the background color is white. You can also define a backgroundcolor if you allready have a background-image, the color whill shine through any transparent parts of the image.

Insert an image

The option "insert image" gives you the possibility to insert an image in the active cover. The program tries to insert the images with its original size, if it won't fit, it (the image) is scaled to fit in either the height or width, which ever may come first. Once inserted the image can be resized, by putting the mouse in the lower-right-corner, the right-end, or the bottom-end of the image and dragging it up/left for smaller, down/right for larger. The image can be moved by pressing the left mouse button and drag it over the Cover. With a right mouseclick on the item you have the possibility to rotate, flip and edit the image.(see also: The popupmenus and Image element popup)

Insert text

The "text on" option allows you the possibility to write text in the active cover. In text mode, you just click on the place where you want to insert text, a text pane shows, and you can insert the text. When you enter text and you reach the right side of the pane the text automatically is continued on the next line. We recommend to hit the "enter-key" before you reach the right side though, for the program will see your line of text as an "one-liner". When you've written your text, you can make the textpane disappear by clicking the left-mouse-button somewhere on the active Cover (not on the pane). Please don't forget, when you're through with text, you must click the (A) on the toolbar or the insertmenu->"Text off" to leave the text mode. Once the text is inserted you can make it smaller or larger by pressing the left mouse button in the lower right corner, the right-end or bottom-end and drag it up/left for smaller down/right for larger. If you're not satisfied with your text, you can double-click on it not in text-mode and the text-panel will open renewed to correct your text. Re-editing text however will delete all the changes you've made to the text-element like rotating, flipping and/or resizing. The text can be moved by pressing the left mouse button and drag it over the Cover. With a right mouseclick on the item you have the possibility to rotate, flip and/or reedit the text.(see also: The popupmenus and Text element popup)

Text color

This menu item is only enabled when you are in text mode(see also insert text). It lets you choose a color to write your text in. You can use different colors in one or more lines,words or lettters of text. If you've selected text in a text-pane (text-mode is on) you can select text and than choose its color. The selected text will have that color.